15.318 - MIT GradEl



Discovering your Leadership Signature


second half of term
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-3
Credit cannot also be received for 15.739
You must participate in Sloan’s Course Bidding to take this subject.
Begins Oct 28. Lecture: T EVE (4-7 PM) (E51-151)

Trains students to understand and develop their unique way of leading — their leadership signature. Involves intensive self-assessment and interactive exercises to grow self-awareness and confidence in one’s core leadership values and styles, and expand one’s ability to consciously direct personal and professional growth. Students engage in exercises to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses that help and hinder their ability to lead authentically and effectively, and experiment inside and outside of class with new habits of thought and behavior. Assignments include creating and declaring a model of one’s leadership signature, identifying development goals, and defining and taking initial steps towards one’s desired future self. Grounded in readings from Jungian-oriented psychology, family systems and developmental psychology, and leadership literature.

K. Isaacs
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